
My chosen 21st century technology is the Juul. The Juul is a electronic cigarette that became popular at the end of 2017 and quickly became the best selling e-cigarette on the market. It was created by two Stanford graduate students who wanted to make an e-cig that satisfies like an cigarette. This e-cig is different than the others. It is easier to carry, to charge and to refill which can lead you to smoke more. The Juul is a vaporizer that comes with a 5% nicotine juice cartridges called a  “pod”. A creation that has become a go to product for teens all over the country, and even around the world. This creation was influenced by the Chinese firm Hon Lik who made the first vape in the middle of 2000’s but the “Vape” doesn’t give smokers the same feeling that they find when the smoke a regular cigarette and that’s why the juul is so popular. How can we make an e-cig that gives you the same feeling as a cigarette? That’s how the Juul was created, they took the Vape basic formula and added some ingredients in the juice that can give a smoker the same feeling as a cigarette especially because they add 5% nicotine in the juices. The Juul is an example of the evolution of the technology in the world even in the smokers world. The Juul is a concept that definitely can influence new technologies. The next question can be: How can we make a smoking device that give you the same feeling or even more then a cigarette, that can be as convenient to carry as a Vape and reduce the negative consequences of smoking by almost 80% by reducing the amount of chemicals inside the juices. The world technology is evolving in every branch and we will never be out of ideas that can improve our daily life. Personally, I think the Juul is a great example of how people can come up with something that can make your daily life easier because cigarettes are sometimes annoying because we always have to carry a lighter to light them, you have to ash it and it last probably no more then 5 minutes, then the Vape was invented so it is way more convenient than the cigarettes but don’t give the feeling that smokers are looking for and there comes the Juul which is much easier to smoke then the vape and the cigarette and also more discreet and give almost the same feeling that smokers are looking for.


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